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Lake Carroll is ALMOST ice free
March 10, 2025 | Category: General Boating | Tags:

Lake Carroll is ALMOST ice free

Goodmorning everyone,

      I took a drive around the lake yesterday to check out the ice situation, because I might want to fish worse than you do! After going to the fishing expo, I am absolutely ready to get on the water. There was some bigger chunks of ice floating out in the main body of the lake, but the south end, and most of the east marina bay are completely open. I am documenting this in the blog so I have record for years to come on when the ice is mostly gone in the winter. Early in the year the fish may be shallow due to the warmer water in those areas. Red and craw colors seem to be like a treat in the spring getting a solid bite. We just got hooked up with a new distributor in our shop after the expo. We now can get different items that we haven't had before. We believe this will be a great partnership, as we can get more of a broad range of tackle, and we can now get the "southern" colors as well. The tackle wall is filling up, with rods and reels inbound very soon. Let us know what you are looking for if we don't have it in stock, and we can get it on our next order.


The guys are almost done with servicing our work boats to head back to water. We are very excited for this spring season. As always we are slightly concerned with the crazy wind that is forcasted for later this week, with chances of tornados as well. Keep a look out for the crazy weather patterns especially if you are heading out on the water. Things are getting rocking and rolling with lift and dock repairs at the shop. Most of the lifts are ready to head back, and it looks like an assembly line in the shop changing dock boards. 


We haven't opened buildings up yet, as the chance of snow this time of year seems to be looming in the background. In the near future it will be go time, and all of the guys are ready to get rocking and rolling. The spring letter is going out today, so check you inboxes and get signed up!


Thank You for your Time!
